
Presentation night - REMINDER

Fri, 17 Oct 2014

by James Gray
Posted: over 10 years ago
Updated: over 10 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: 3 days before

Presentation night has arrived and will again be held in the Nott Bistro from 6:30 on Friday 17th October with a band to provide additional entertainment.

Cost will be $50 for students and $70 for workers. We need to advise the Nott of numbers prior to the event so please make sure that you transfer your money and send a confirmation email to the club account (monashbluesfootball@gmail.com) prior to lunchtime on Tuesday 14th October (at the latest).

Monash Blues Football Club Bendigo Bank Account
BSB: 633-000
ACC: 1437-47400
Please put “Pres Night” and your name as a reference.


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